easy peasy cannabis infused ghee butter


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Do you have your own hemp or are you growing pot in your back 40? Fantastic! Make your own ghee butter!

Just what the heck is Ghee anyway?

Ghee is clarified butter. In other words: ghee is butter that has had all of the water and milk-solids removed from it until only the fat is left. It is basically butter in oil form and it is delicious!

Ghee holds its origins in ancient India and has been a mainstay of eastern cuisine, spiritual practice and even medicine for centuries. It can be used for cooking, baking or even spread on toast. It can last for months outside of the fridge and up to a year when kept cold.

When you infuse it with marijuana, you get canna ghee. (Usually when people say Cannabis Butter, or Canna Butter they are really talking about Canna Ghee.)

Why make Canna Ghee Butter?

When you infuse your marijuana into clarified butter, you make your weed stronger, you make it last longer and you can make the whole cannabis plant work for you- stems included!

Canna Ghee is also the very best way to make your own edibles! It’s easy and fun to make and works great with both CBD and THC-rich cannabis. When you make your own, you take control of your dosage and what is going into your body. It’s like the difference between eating food you made yourself or processed foods. Making your own canna ghee, keeps you in the driver’s seat!

A little CBD ghee on your muffin in the morning is one of the best ways I know to start the day! You can also add it to your tea or coffee, or use it to make your popcorn! There is no end to the possibilities!

If you don’t want to take the time to make your own Cannabis Ghee try our ready-made Green Gold hemp ghee. (COMING SOON!)

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Some recipe hints and suggestions:

  • When you’re turning your butter into ghee, bring a book into the kitchen with you and be prepared to hang out. You need to pay attention to the sound it makes- the sound lets you know when it’s done!

  • You can make your canna ghee super strong or low-key or anything in-between, simply increase or reduce the amount of marijuana you use. I have given two options in the recipe to start, but find what ratio is right for you and your weed. Remember: marijuana is not an exact science.

  • The decarboxylation process is not optional. This will significantly increase your weed’s potency and make your weed amazing. It’s quick and easy, and it’s the right thing to do.

  • If you don’t have a slow cooker or a crock pot, borrow one from someone, or consider investing in a small one. They are very inexpensive. I personally got my crock pot at a garage sale for six bucks! You can also use it for chili! Win/win!

  • 12 hours might seem like a long time to infuse your ghee, but trust me when I say, that’s how you make it right. You can use less marijuana, have stronger results, and you will really taste those lovely terpenes with a long infusing process.

  • Cannabis infused ghee will keep for up to three months on the countertop and up to a year in the fridge without turning.

  • Please be responsible and make sure everyone eating this infused ghee, and any food made with canna ghee knows that they are eating cannabis. Surprises are not always fun when it comes to eating THC.




454g / 1 lbs. or 4 sticks of UNSALTED BUTTER

4g or 1/8 oz. of CANNABIS FLOWER (both THC or CBD-rich cannabis will work!)*

*With a 15% THC rich marijuana this will make a nice infused ghee with a yield of about 7mg/tsp of ghee. If you prefer a more intense experience, you can double the cannabis to 8g / ¼ oz. but be careful! A teaspoon will make you QUITE stoned and anything you make might have more than a teaspoon in a serving…

Consider investing in a digital scale for your kitchen!

Consider investing in a digital scale for your kitchen!


A digital kitchen scale (optional)

A small blender (or scissors)

A large cookie sheet or baking pan

Tin foil (optional)

A medium-sized heavy bottomed metal pot

A tea strainer

A crock-pot/ slow cooker

Cheese cloth and an elastic

A jar or plastic storage container 


Before you start, preheat your oven to 210°F / 100°C.

First make your ghee:


Cut up your butter into cubes and put it in a heavy bottomed pot. Melt on medium heat but turn to low once it starts to bubble. Let simmer for about 20 minutes. During this time, do not leave the stove area. The butter will start making a very specific bubbling sound as it evacuates the water and separates the fat from the milk solids. It’s like a strange, alien song!

Once the sound stops however, the ghee is done and should be removed from the fire ASAP or it will start to burn.

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Your butter should have turned into a beautiful golden oil. Pour it though a tea strainer to remove the milk solids.

Meanwhile, decarboxylate your cannabis:

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This is an immensely important step and should not be skipped! Grind up your weed, stems and all in a blender, or whatever mixer you have handy. Spread it in a thin layer in a baking dish or pie pan and cover with aluminum foil. Bake in the center or upper rack at 210°F / 100°C for 20 minutes. When you remove it from the oven do not take off the aluminum while you let it cool. This allows the bud to re-absorb any vapor it may have released.

Pure golden ghee!

Pure golden ghee!

Place the ghee and the decarbed cannabis into your crockpot and cook on “low” for at least 11 hours. (Personally, I leave it for 24 hours total.)

Pour the ghee through a cheese cloth into your chosen container.* It will solidify as it cools.

*Optional step for the purist: Wrap the cheese cloth around the used herb and tie it off. Boil it for 2 minutes in a small pot of water and then pour the water off into another container. Place that container in the fridge. As it cools, the ghee in the water will rise to the surface and solidify. Pour out the water (great for plants!) and add the remaining ghee into your main batch. Waste not, want not!

Makes 1¾ cups of cannabis infused ghee.


One teaspoon if THC infused.

One tablespoon if CBD infused.





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